The burning building

We had to evacuate the burning building, You are probably wondering what building burned down, well it was a red and blue building it was a metal making industry and why is this place so important to the town well think you need metal a lot in your life. My dad works at this place and it was actually bring your kid into work do, so I went with my dad and when this places started burning I was so afraid and while this was happening I was urgent to go to the toilet. Thankfully I made it to the toilet and we got out safe and the town helped re build the industry .

3 thoughts on “The burning building”

  1. Hello Polly!

    I had to do this challenge too! I found your blog through that challenge, and I like your writing along with it. Off topic, but I love the background of your own blog, the ocean and sky background is beautiful! Anyways, I noticed in your blog some of the 100WC employees have commented on your posts, so that made me wonder, have you ever been featured? (Your writings are good!) Also, if you get a chance you can visit my blog with challenge #9!


  2. Hello Polly,
    I hope you are having a good day so far. I really enjoyed reading your blog. The detail made it feel like it could be something that would really happen. If I may say I believe your writing ability is pretty advanced. Your punctuation makes this piece of writing even better. Here is my blog link in case you ever want to view it.

  3. Hello, I read your 100wc,
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