The London Statue

It was Sunday morning in the Hays house, and they were going on a drive to go and see the rarest statue in London, it was a hour and a half drive.


1 hour and a half later…


They were here, it was like a misery you had to figure out and you got 3 chances to open the wall, to see the statue. If you got all 3 answers wrong you will never be allowed back!


We got 2 answers wrong, but we did get the last one right. We got to see the statue it was the best thing in the world. We took so many pictures and I hung them up in my bedroom.


The Trip To The Shops

It was a Sunday morning, and I was really bored so I decided I would visit the shops.

It was 10:00 am and my mum or my dad were busy, so they couldn’t drive me. My bike had a flat tire  so the only option was to walk, It was a long walk to the shops, about  3 kilometre.

I left home at 10:30 and got at the shops at 11:45. It was an 1 hour and 45 minute walk and I was tired, but I kept thinking of what I would do when I arrived at the shops.

I finally entered woolies, I panted. My eyes widened and I was happy to see the most delicious donut in the world.